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    Automation Analytics & Intelligence

    Turn Critical Workloads Data Into Business Insights and Drive Improvements

    Adaptive intelligence and predictive analytics for workload automation drive improvements in your IT Operations, your digital transformation journey, and your business success. Utilize the only single-pane-of-glass solution on the market across multiple vendors and applications, spanning both mainframe and distributed environments.

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    Deliver a Better Service

    Workload automation analytics provide your business with service-level assurance, critical-path management, and enterprise-wide visibility into your business-critical applications.
    • Improved understanding of batch impact due to failures, latency, and operator error
    • Gain the visibility you need to manage value streams end-to-end and optimize costs, align execution to strategy, and prioritize strategic initiatives
    • Optimize customers’ experiences by using AI-driven insights to detect and resolve issues faster, and to prevent them from occurring in the first place

    Learning Paths for AAI

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    Level up your expertise and make the most of your Broadcom investment with dedicated learning paths composed of the most relevant resources and courses for your role.

    Automation Analytics & Intelligence: All Roles

    Regardless of your role, there's plenty to discover here in this Automation ...


    Automation Analytics & Intelligence: Operators

    Operators can use this learning path to develop the essential skills they need ...

    Read the latest AAI Resources

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    How Too Many Tools Obscure Automation Issues

    This global study examines how use of multiple automations contributes to SLA breaches, the frequency of breaches and their impact on the business.


    Why Do I Need AAI for Airflow?

    AAI benefits Airflow users by providing unified observability, SLA management and automation intelligence.


    Data Orchestration: How to Create Agile and Efficient Data Pipelines

    Learn how to create agile and efficient data pipelines by orchestrating disparate sources with Automation by Broadcom. Achieve control, reliability, and repeatability for better data analysis.


    Eliminate Toil Through Service Orchestration

    Improve efficiency and eliminate toil in IT Operations with Service Orchestration. Fuel enhanced consistency and business outcomes through automation.


    AAI Data Insights Demo Video

    See a demo of the next-generation Data Insights in AAI.


    AAI: A Practical Guide to a Successful Implementation

    Discover best practices for ensuring a successful AAI implementation and sets the stage for improved workload automation service delivery.


    Optimizing Service Delivery

    Optimize service delivery with Automation by Broadcom for cloud workloads, analytics, and visualization.


    Harnessing Enterprise Automation

    Gain unified visibility and optimize operations. Prioritize operational consistency and enhance IT tooling for improved efficiency and service delivery.


    Requirements for Effective Workload Optimization

    Find out what capabilities you need to establish effective workload optimization practices, so you can improve service levels.

    Dive into free courses for AAI

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    AAI: Finding the Cause of SLA Breaches

    Learn the different ways alerts can be viewed or received, troubleshooting steps, and the different graphs and views that are available in the AAI Web UI.

    AAI Integrations: IWSz

    Learn to install, configure, and manage the IWSz Server for AAI in this course. Extract data from IWSz for AAI integration to enhance reporting and analytics capabilities.

    AAI Integrations: CA7

    Learn how to install, configure, and start the CA7 Server for AAI integration. Extract data from CA7 for AAI's reporting and analytics needs.


    AAI Integrations: Airflow

    Learn to integrate AAI with Airflow for automation analytics. Install, configure, and secure the connector to enhance reporting and predictive analytics.


    Reduce the SLA Risk of AutoSys Changes: AAI Simulation of AutoSys SLAs

    This video-based tutorial explains and demonstrates how to use the simulation function in AAI to change and test proposed changes to a jobstream


    AAI Advanced Administration

    In this course, we explore more advanced topics in the administration of AAI such as log management and basic troubleshooting techniques, database maintenance procedures, and ntegration with...


    AAI 6.5.0: Walkthrough of the New Web UI

    This course is a detailed overview of the Automation Analytics & Intelligence (AAI) Web User Interface that introduces you to the User Interfaces main pages and the most common tasks involved when...


    AAI Integrations: IWSd

    This course explains and demonstrates how to install, configure and secure the AAI /IWSd integration.


    AAI Integrations: Tidal

    This course explains and demonstrates how to establish the connection between AAI and Tidal, which happens through the Tidal connector.

    Read the latest blogs on AAI

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    June 18, 2024

    Introducing AAI’s New Conversational AI Assistant

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    June 4, 2024

    Introducing Next-Generation Data Insights for Workload Automation

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    April 1, 2024

    Six Keys to Effective Workload Automation Optimization

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    March 8, 2024

    Announcing the Availability of the Airflow Connector for AAI with the 6.5.2 Release

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    January 8, 2024

    Majority of Companies Surveyed Say Automation Issues Drive Breaches in SLAs

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    December 20, 2023

    Broadcom Software Academy Wins Silver in Brandon Hall Group’s Excellence in Technology Awards

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    September 29, 2023

    Announcing the General Availability of AAI 6.5

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    September 25, 2023

    Change Modeling: 5 Must-Have Capabilities for Your Workload Automation Solution

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    August 24, 2023

    Why Enterprise Automation Is So Important for Compliance

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