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    Automic Automation

    Service Orchestration and Automation Platform (SOAPs)

    Orchestrate a complex and diverse landscape of applications, platforms and technologies in the cloud and on-premises, to deliver services effectively and efficiently to your business, accelerating your digital transformation and supporting the growth of your company.

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    Automate a Complex and Diverse Landscape of Applications, Platforms, and Technologies

    Automic Automation gives you the agility, speed and reliability required for effective digital business automation. Manage complex workflows across platforms, ERP systems, and business apps, streamline your big data pipelines, and deliver compute, network, and storage resources on-prem and in the cloud.
    • Manage complex workloads from microservices to the mainframe
    • Extend Automic Automation to control your cloud processing, acting as a "Manager of Managers"
    • Improve SLA delivery and lower Operational Costs
    • Prebuild remediations for Standard Operating Procedures and deligate execution through self-service

    Learning Paths for Automic Automation

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    Level up your expertise and make the most of your Broadcom investment with dedicated learning paths composed of the most relevant resources and courses for your role.

    Automic Automation: Developers and Object Designers

    Developers and object designers will be able to grow their critical Automic ...


    Automic Automation: Administrators

    With this learning path from Broadcom Software Academy, administrators of ...

    Read the latest Automic Automation Resources

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    How Too Many Tools Obscure Automation Issues

    This global study examines how use of multiple automations contributes to SLA breaches, the frequency of breaches and their impact on the business.


    Data Orchestration: How to Create Agile and Efficient Data Pipelines

    Learn how to create agile and efficient data pipelines by orchestrating disparate sources with Automation by Broadcom. Achieve control, reliability, and repeatability for better data analysis.


    Eliminate Toil Through Service Orchestration

    Improve efficiency and eliminate toil in IT Operations with Service Orchestration. Fuel enhanced consistency and business outcomes through automation.


    From Chaos to Control: A Platform Approach to Automation with Automic SaaS

    Discover how Automic SaaS brings order to automation chaos in hybrid and multi-cloud environments.


    Automic Automation Cloud Integrations: GCP BigQuery Agent Integration

    This video explains the Automic Automation GCP BigQuery integration and its benefits, presents its components, and demonstrates how to install, configure, and use it.


    Automic Automation Cloud Integrations: AWS Batch Agent

    Discover how Broadcom's AWS Batch Automation Agent streamlines data analytics and computes workloads with Automic Automation Cloud Integrations.


    SAP BPA Replacement: Automic Automation Solution Guide

    Automic Automation has provided proven orchestration capabilities for SAP environments for decades and unifies control for on-premises and cloud environments.


    Automic Automation Cloud Integrations: AWS Lambda Agent Integration

    This video explains the Automic Automation AWS Lambda integration and its benefits.


    Optimize to Modernize

    Adopt a systematic approach to automation to ensure maximum ROI from existing ERP applications and optimize them for the digital age.

    Dive into free courses for Automic Automation

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    Automic Automation v24 Release Overview

    This demonstrates the new features and functions introduced with Automic Automation v24.


    Automic Automation: Upgrading to Version 24

    This course guides the process of upgrading Automic Automation from version 21 to version 24 on a Windows platform.


    Automic Automation Cloud Integrations: Kubernetes

    Broadcom's Automic Automation / Kubernetes Integration offers several methods for triggering, managing and supervising automated processes in Kubernetes clusters and containerized Software...


    Automic Automation Cloud Integrations: Apache Airflow and GCC

    This course explains the Airflow integration for both Apache Airflow and Google Cloud Composer, and is intended for anyone responsible for deploying Automic Automation with Cloud workflow tools.

    Automic Automation - Overview

    This course introduces you to the architecture, core functions and design of Automic Automation and its web interface, the Automic Web Interface.

    Automic Automation Design II

    This self-paced course builds on the skills developed in the Automic Automation Design I course. This course provides advanced knowledge on the most important objects to help you optimize your...

    Automic Automation: The Anatomy of Task Execution

    This course will help automation designers understand what happens during each execution phase, so they can ensure objects are configured correctly.

    Automic Automation v21 Administration Standard

    This course is focused upon helping administrators configure Automic Automation so that users can start working with it.

    Automic Automation v21: Zero Downtime Upgrade (ZDU)

    This training explains the Zero Downtime Upgrade (ZDU), Automic Automation's feature to upgrade to a newer version while processes and operations continue as usual.

    Read the latest blogs on Automic Automation

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    July 25, 2024

    How Automic Automation Maximizes the Advantages of the Cloud

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    May 29, 2024

    Broadcom’s Automic SaaS Solution Is Now Available on Google Cloud Marketplace

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    May 6, 2024

    Everything You Need to Know When Considering a Move to the New Automic SaaS

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    April 1, 2024

    Six Keys to Effective Workload Automation Optimization

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    March 20, 2024

    Automic’s Long History of Innovation from UC4 to Automation for the Cloud

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    February 15, 2024

    Embracing Global Collaboration and Inclusivity with Automic Automation V24

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    February 6, 2024

    Announcing the Availability of AWS Batch Integration for Automic Automation

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    January 8, 2024

    Majority of Companies Surveyed Say Automation Issues Drive Breaches in SLAs

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    January 8, 2024

    Cloud Integrations from Automation by Broadcom: Streamlining Workload Automation in IICS

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