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    AAI: Finding the Cause of SLA Breaches

    The AAI Web UI has many features and options that can be used to help troubleshoot SLAs that have already been missed or potential SLA breaches. This course walks through three different scenarios explaining the different ways alerts can be viewed or received, troubleshooting steps, the different graphs and views that are available, as well as tips on how to sort and view the data from AAI to quickly zero in on the issue. 

    Start This Course
    June 21, 2024
    Time to Complete
    30 minutes
    AAI: Find Causes of SLA Breaches

    What You Will Learn

    This course is intended for anyone who will be responsible for investigating SLA breaches.  The AAI Web UI has many features and options that can be used to help troubleshoot SLAs that have already been missed or potential SLA breaches.

    This course walks through three different scenarios explaining the different ways alerts can be viewed or received, troubleshooting steps, the different graphs and views that are available, as well as tips on how to sort and view the data from AAI to quickly zero in on the issue. 

    What You Will Earn

    Upon completion, you will receive:

    • A certificate validating the course completion
    • The AAI: Find Causes of SLA Breaches Badge

    Course Objectives

    At the end of this course you will be able to:

    • Navigate the AAI Web UI with confidence
    • Understand the different time views - Actual, Relative to SLA, SLA Grid
    • Easily identify executions that have met or missed their SLA
    • Drill down into additional, detailed information for Jobstreams and Jobs
    • Quickly zero in on problem executions or specific jobs using different views, graphs and sorting / filtering

    How to Get Started

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