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    January 5, 2023

    What's New in Automic Automation Intelligence 6.4.4 and Why Upgrade

    We are pleased to announce the release of Automic Automation Intelligence (AAI) 6.4.4. This release is a major step in the evolution of AAI’s web UI and delivers significant new functionality, including:

    • The addition of global job search
    • Job details pages
    • Scheduler administration
    • Business area support
    • New and improved system monitoring
    • Fully integrated context-aware help

    Web User Interface New Features

    Global Job Search, Job Details, and All Jobs

    Global Job Search allows you to search for specific jobs and provides details and related information about the job. This is where you can find the job definition, historical runs, and the average duration of the job.

    The Job Details page provides consolidated information about any job and is useful in understanding where the job fits within the job hierarchy, which job streams it appears in, whether it is in the critical path, and the percentage of time it's in the critical path. The All Jobs page provides robust and editable filters.

    ESD_FY23_Academy-Blog.What’s included in Automic Automation Intelligence 6-4-4 and Why Upgrade.Figure 1

    Global Search/Job Details - Average Runs tab

    Integrated Help

    A powerful new feature in this release, AAI’s Integrated Help functionality provides context-aware help across the product. You now have access to all relevant content such as product documentation, Broadcom Academy resources, Broadcom communities, training, and troubleshooting, all in one place.

    ESD_FY23_Academy-Blog.What’s included in Automic Automation Intelligence 6-4-4 and Why Upgrade.Figure 2

    Run History with Context-Sensitive Help

    System Monitoring and Scheduler Administration

    System Monitoring provides an overview of the status of your system and your schedulers. It is also the starting point to add, configure, and work with schedulers. With this release, the System Monitoring page has a new look and feel and replaces the old web page. You can now add new schedulers of all AAI’s supported types on this page.

    Business Areas

    With this release, there is an admin page to add/edit/delete business areas in the web UI. Business areas provide quick and easy access to job streams for teams and departments. You can organize them by the classification that is relevant to your organization, such as:

    • Business unit
    • Types of environment
    • Types of schedulers
    • Application areas
    • Region
    • …and more

    Users and Domains

    You can now add/edit/delete and filter Users and Domains in the web UI.

    Headless Administration New Features

    A parallel theme to our focus on the web UI is headless administrative access. Our goal is to offer 100% of admin functionality without the need for the UI. Most of this is available through RestAPI, but a few pieces remain. In this latest release, we added the ability to set SNMP and SMTP configuration settings through the command line.

    See the AAI 6.4.4 Release Tech Docs for more information on these new features. Stay tuned for future enhancements to AAI’s web UI in the next release!

    Check out the 6.4.4. Web UI Demo by head Automic Automation Intelligence PM Jennifer Chisik to see the great new features available today.

    Tag(s): Automation , AAI

    Jennifer Liharik

    Jennifer is a senior product marketing manager for Automation solutions from Broadcom Software and enjoys helping customers gain business value from today's complex technology. Jennifer has worked as a product marketer, process improvement consultant, and strategic advisor in the B2B software, life sciences, retail,...

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