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    January 11, 2024

    How VSM and Metrics Integration Boost Team and Organization Performance

    Key Takeaways
    • Understand the metrics that different teams use to gauge performance.
    • Track all the metrics crucial for assessing product delivery initiatives and making informed decisions.
    • Establish common ground among different teams to gain a holistic view of value stream health.

    Teams, whether in sports, music, or the IT realm, consist of individuals with distinct roles and objectives. Recognizing and valuing these different roles forms the bedrock of successful collaboration. It is only through this collaboration that the larger organization can ultimately be most successful.

    Therefore, the foundation of improving the performance of your team and your organization lies in comprehending the metrics that shape not only your role but also those of your colleagues across departments. While your own critical metrics might be ingrained in your focus due to performance evaluations or incentives, it's equally essential to understand how your peers' success is gauged. Are your goals aligned or in competition?

    These considerations are often overlooked as we focus on our daily responsibilities, but they hold immense significance. The intricately intertwined nature of jobs means that your achievements rely on others, just as they rely on your contributions.

    In this context, it is imperative to track key data in a holistic way, incorporating all the metrics crucial for assessing product delivery initiatives and making informed decisions regarding future performance and value. This holistic perspective includes tracking metrics that are pertinent to your colleagues as well.

    While your concerns might revolve around Agile principles, your peers in production or DevOps teams are likely focused on different facets. Here’s a breakdown of how areas of focus can vary among each team:

    Agile team focus:

    • Ensuring the team has adequate resources for efficient work
    • Meeting release commitments
    • Managing work in progress (WIP)
    • Identifying and resolving process issues
    • Evaluating code testability, flexibility, and maintainability
    • Addressing technical debt

    Production team focus:

    • Resolving defects quickly
    • Maintaining stable throughput or velocity
    • Managing maintenance budget effectively
    • Controlling scope
    • Staying on-track for delivery of the next release

    DevOps focus:

    • Meeting uptime expectations
    • Ensuring consistent delivery of functional, tested, and fixed code
    • Adhering to SLAs
    • Releasing minimum viable products
    • Ensuring swift recovery

    Despite the differences, these teams share analogous challenges, demanding a cohesive framework of interlinked metrics. Addressing one challenge offers insights into the others, while actions affecting one metric can ripple across others.

    Navigating this intricate web of metrics and maintaining a holistic view of your value stream's health begins with establishing common ground. Each group boasts metrics pivotal to their performance, encompassing factors like throughput variation, distribution, bug aging, mean time to recover, escaped defects, and bottlenecks.

    A deeper understanding of your colleagues' metric priorities fosters accelerated collaboration, minimizes friction, and bolsters predictability—a collective aspiration.  Value Stream Management (VSM) solutions provide the means to orchestrate this metrics integration, allowing you to foster synergy, efficiency, and ultimate success across your organization.

    If you want to learn more about our VSM platform, and how it can provide the critical metrics integration your teams need, be sure to contact the Broadcom ValueOps team today.

    Lance Knight

    Lance's one-of-a-kind experiences have helped him develop an array of skills across Sales, Sales Leadership, Sales Engineering, Customer Success, Agile Software Implementation, SCRUM, Interactive software application development, and continuous integration (DevOps). He has written books and white papers on developing...

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