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    White Paper

    Evolving from Standard DORA Metrics to Enterprise DORA Metrics for Everyone in Value Stream Management

    ValueOps Insights effortlessly gathers data from all the tools that run your value streams and organizes it using its Common Data Model. With normalized data, ValueOps Insights provides automated reports and real-time dashboards that offer early and ongoing insights into business operations across all of your value streams. Decision makers across the organization can now see the same data to identify trends, bottlenecks, issues, and constraints that impact business outcomes and slow down value delivery.


    ValueOps Insights transforms the way enterprises measure and optimize their DevOps performance by democratizing access to DORA metrics, providing real-time visibility across all value streams from engineers to executives. This comprehensive analytics solution aligns digital value stream performance with business outcomes, enabling better decision-making and driving significant improvements at scale.


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