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    Meet Automic SaaS

    Automic SaaS provides industry-leading automation with all the advantages of SaaS delivery. With Automic SaaS you can tame TCO and free your resources.

    Today, modern enterprises are using more and more automation to drive business growth and efficiency.

    There are more automated business processes across environments – from distributed to cloud to mainframe.

    There are more automation workloads with more dependencies and more tools to manage it all.

    Many teams are now using a complex, labor-intensive mix of on-premises and cloud-native tools to manage workload automation. These proliferating workloads and tools have introduced spiraling costs, complexity, and risk. 

    To manage this growth, your IT operations teams don’t need more—they need less. Less complexity. Fewer tools to manage. Less administrative overhead and infrastructure maintenance.

    To keep pace with growing demands while optimizing costs, you need a powerful enterprise automation solution in a SaaS deployment so you can reduce the cost, effort, and distraction of operating an on-premises solution.

    You need Automic SaaS.

    Automic SaaS provides industry-leading automation with all the advantages of SaaS delivery.

    The single point of control unifies and simplifies automation and orchestration across hybrid cloud environments.

    You’ll boost visibility, reducing the risk of SLA breaches, minimizing costs, and maximizing efficiency.

    Automic SaaS unifies automation

    Automic SaaS centralizes management and streamlines audit and regulatory compliance. 
    It unifies automation for Automic SaaS and cloud-native tools with easy access to an extensive integration catalog through the Automation Marketplace.

    The marketplace has integrations for cloud-native technologies, ERP systems, data pipeline tools and more.

    With Automic SaaS, you can standardize alerting and remediation workflows, minimizing errors and speeding response.

    Automic Saas simplifies orchestration

    Your teams can automate routine IT and business tasks with Automic SaaS.

    Through the Automic service catalog or an integration with a third-party service catalog, technical and non-technical staff can initiate workload execution, pass parameters, trigger tasks, and track the progress of their requests.

    Automic SaaS boosts workload visibility

    Automic SaaS delivers powerful visibility so you can efficiently manage your organization’s complex environments:

    • Gain actionable insights with built-in dashboards, trend analytics, and reports.
    • Define, monitor, and manage SLAs.
    • Get insight into dependencies and dynamically visualize critical paths.
    • Identify root cause and forecast future bottlenecks.

    With Automic SaaS, you can boost staff productivity

    Automic SaaS provides the same proven features as Automic Automation on premises with the agility of a SaaS based solution.

    Your teams can offload the time and effort required to support automation infrastructure, so they can spend more time on activities that matter to the business. With automatic updates and no underlying database costs for the automation engine, you get predictable OpEx and can free resources to focus on creating business value.

    To learn more about the powerful benefits Automic SaaS can provide your organization, visit the Automic SaaS page on the Broadcom Software Academy.

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