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    Case Study

    Vantiv Improves the Delivery of Innovation with Rally and Agile Consulting Services

    Vantiv unifies its product and IT teams to accelerate the adoption of scaled agile practices.

    Broadcom Software Academy – Vantiv Improves the Delivery of Innovation with Rally and Agile Consulting Services

    "Working with agile coaches focused our strategic efforts. As a result, we’ve improved predictability in the delivery of payment processing solutions and maintained our high standards, while becoming more responsive to customers."

    TJ Casey

    Vice President of Planning and Controls, Vantiv



    To deliver new products and services with greater sustainability, Vantiv needed to unify its product and IT teams and accelerate the adoption of scaled agile practices.

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    Vantiv worked with agile consultants to run a series of Agile Awareness roadshows and adopt agile in key teams. It also deployed Rally® (formerly Agile Central) to improve visibility of projects, resources and priorities.

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    As a result of its agile transformation, Vantiv has improved employee engagement, reduced the time to market for new products and met more of its customers’ needs with innovative solutions.


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