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    Case Study

    Swisscom Gives TV Viewers Something New to Watch

    Swisscom decided to consolidate the entire TV value stream under one roof organizationally, transforming the IT group’s role from integration to development.


    "We chose [CA Agile Central] for its portfolio-level management capabilities. No other solution could link strategy to execution across 12 teams, with rolled up visibility of multiple programs."

    Simon Berg

    Agile Program Manager, IPTV Engineering, Swisscom



    As Swisscom set out to launch a new IPTV product, the company decided to consolidate the entire TV value stream under one roof organizationally, transforming the IT group’s role from integration to development. This strategic decision presented an ideal opportunity to adopt an agile framework and set the stage for rapid innovation.

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    Gained 564,000 subscribers in first 16 months; accelerated time to market, shaving delivery time by one year; reduced development cycles from 12 months to 3-6 months; improved software quality; and minimized rework.


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