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    Rally for Project Administrators

    This course provides you with an overview of different administrative features commonly used by project administrators in Rally.

    Start This Course
    August 4, 2023
    Time to Complete
    1 hour
    Rally for Project Administrators badge
    Shelby Smith

    What You Will Learn

    Course Content:

    • Administration Overview: 10 minutes
    • Set Up Your Teams: 10 minutes
    • Administer Users: 10 minutes
    • Team Customizations: 10 minutes
    • Create Planning Timeboxes and Milestones: 10 minutes

    Total estimated duration: 1 hour

    What You Will Earn

    This course contains knowledge checks after each module. To complete the course, you must pass each knowledge check with a score of 80% or higher. You may retake the knowledge checks if necessary. Upon completion, you will receive:

    • A certificate validating the course completion
    • The Rally for Project Administrators badge

    Course Objectives

    In this course you will learn how to:

    • Define each type of administrator
    • Create a project
    • Create work rules
    • Create custom pages
    • Create, activate, disable, and delete a user
    • Administer iterations, sprints, and milestones

    How to Get Started

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