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    Planning with Rally

    This course shows you how using Rally to plan at all levels and time periods in your organization lets you connect all of those plans so that they work together.

    Start This Course
    August 26, 2024
    Time to Complete
    2 hours
    Planning with Rally
    Shelby Smith

    What You Will Learn

    Rally offers a variety of planning tools that let you plan the work for your organization at all levels: Team Planning, Release Planning, Capacity Planning, and longer-term Strategic Planning that covers multiple projects and releases.

    This course shows you when and how to use each planning tool, and how using Rally to plan at all levels and time periods in your organization lets you connect all of those plans so that they work together.

    What You Will Earn

    Upon completion, you will receive a completion certificate and the Planning with Rally Course Completion badge.

    Course Objectives

    After completing this course, you will be able to:

    • Choose the correct planning tool for different types of planning.
    • Estimate your work appropriately for each stage of your planning process.
    • Use a Team Plan to schedule work into iterations.
    • Use a Release Plan to plan multiple releases for one or more teams.
    • Create capacity-driven release plans for multiple teams that determine how much work will fit in the release.
    • Create long-term, strategic plans that are connected to individual release plans.
    • Understand the value of longer-term planning in Rally.

    How to Get Started

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