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    ValueOps: How to Reduce Organizational Friction

    Learn three major challenges organizations face when trying to reduce friction, and how you can leverage ValueOps to help resolve these issues.

    Start This Course
    August 14, 2024
    Time to Complete
    2 hours
    Reduce Organizational Friction
    Shelby Smith

    What You Will Learn

    In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, reducing organizational friction is imperative for achieving operational efficiency, delivering customer value, and maintaining a competitive edge. Organizational friction refers to any impediment within a company that hinders smooth progress toward strategic goals and inhibits the effective execution of plans. Identifying and addressing these sources of friction is key to enhancing productivity, collaboration, and ultimately achieving business success.

    Organizational friction encompasses an array of factors which collectively undermine progress and impede organizational functionality. Prominent factors include a lack of senior leadership engagement, cultural resistance to change, inadequate communication of strategic objectives, and the prevalence of siloed work environments. These challenges result in a disjointed operational approach, hampering the alignment of actions with the overarching organizational objectives.

    The purpose of this course is to explain the three major challenges organizations face when trying to reduce organizational friction and show you how to use ValueOps' capabilities to address these challenges.

    What You Will Earn

    Upon completion, you will receive a completion certificate and the Reduce Organizational Friction Course Completion badge.

    Course Objectives

    After completing this course, you will:

    • Understand the durable problem and three main challenges organizations face when trying to reduce organizational friction.
    • Learn which ValueOps capabilities will help your organization resolve the challenges organizations face when trying to reduce organizational friction.
    • Learn how to use ValueOps capabilities to reduce organizational friction.

    How to Get Started

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