DX NetOps 23.3.x: Back Up and Restore Virtual Network Assurance 300
Learn how to back up and restore DX NetOps Network Assurance (VNA) configurations to prepare for upgrades or migrations, and protect against human error and hardware failures.
Start This Course
August 23, 2024

30 minutes

DX NetOps VNA Backup

What You Will Learn
Course Description
Learn how to back up and restore DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance (VNA) configurations to prepare for upgrades or migrations, and protect against human error and hardware failures.
This course covers DX NetOps versions 22.2.x - 23.3.x.
- DX NetOps Administrators
What You Will Earn
Completion Criteria
To complete this course, you must pass the final test with a score of 100%.
Upon completion, you will receive:
- A certificate validating the course completion
- The DX NetOps VNA Backup badge
- Value: 700 points
Course Objectives
In this course, we will:
- Back up the VNA configurations stored in a MySQL database
- Back up the VNA plug-in templates stored in a directory on the VNA host
- Restore the VNA configurations stored in a MySQL database
- Restore the VNA plug-in templates stored in a directory on the VNA host