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    AppNeta: Account Administration

    Learn how to manage your AppNeta organization, control user access to monitoring data, manage Monitoring Points connected to your account, and plan appropriate integrations with other tools.

    Start This Course
    October 18, 2023
    Time to Complete
    2 hours
    AppNeta: Account Administration badge

    What You Will Learn

    This course applies to AppNeta SaaS and AppNeta On-Prem.


    • New AppNeta administrators


    • Introduction to AppNeta


    • Organization management
    • User management
    • Monitoring Point management
    • Introduction to integration methods

    What You Will Earn

    Completion Criteria

    • To complete this course, you must pass the final test with a score of 80% or higher.

    Upon completion, you will receive:

    • A certificate validating the course completion
    • The AppNeta: Account Administration badge

    Value: 700 points

    Course Objectives

    After taking this course you should be able to:

    • Create and configure child organizations
    • Customize organization branding
    • Understand typical release cycle and upgrade processes for AppNeta SaaS, AppNeta On-Prem, and Monitoring Points
    • Understand options for user management
    • Create users in AppNeta SaaS or AppNeta On-Prem
    • Provide Broadcom Support with required information to enable single sign-on (SSO)
    • Download user audit records for an organization
    • Understand firewall requirements for monitoring with AppNeta
    • Set up a policy to automatically delete offline Monitoring Points
    • Understand available integration methods

    How to Get Started

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