Learn how to use the Infrastructure Manager solution to create new environments in any infrastructure provider, populate the environment with the correct middleware, and install a version of an application.
Automic Automation: Administrators
Automic Infrastructure Manager - Provision Environments Automatically
Automic Automation TLS and Certificates
Automic Automation TLS Gateway
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition (AAKE)
Automic Automation: Upgrading to Version 21
Automic Automation v21 Administration Foundations
Automic Automation v21 Administration Standard
Automic Automation 12.3 Administration Foundations
Automic Automation 12.3 - Administration Standard
Managing Workloads in Multi-Cloud Environments with Automic Automation
Preparing for Automic Automation v21
Installing Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition v21
FAQs on Configuration of Kubernetes/Automic Automation When Moving to AAKE
Installing Automic Automation v21 Containerized Agent
Automic Infrastructure Manager - Provision Environments Automatically
Automic Infrastructure Manager: Provision Environments Automatically
Learn how to use the Infrastructure Manager solution to create new environments in any infrastructure provider, populate the environment with the correct middleware, and install a version of an application.
Automic Automation TLS and Certificates
This course addresses Automic Automation administrators who are responsible for configuring a secure system. With version 21, Automic Automation introduces comprehensive data encryption between the Automation Engine (AE) and some of its components. While previous versions supported TLS/SSL for some data transfers, this was optional in most of the cases.
Automic Automation TLS and Certificates
With version 21, Automic Automation introduces comprehensive data encryption between the Automation Engine (AE) and some of its components. While previous versions supported TLS/SSL for some data transfers, this was optional in most of the cases. From Automic Automation 21 onward, TLS/SSL encryption is a requirement.
Automic Automation TLS Gateway
This course addresses Automic Automation administrators who are responsible for setting up the system. Automic Automation's TLS Gateway facilitates the communication between TLS and non-TLS Agents. This video-based, self-paced course describes the TLS Gateway, explains how to configure and install it and demonstrates how it works.
Automic Automation TLS Gateway
Automic Automation's TLS Gateway facilitates the communication between TLS and non-TLS Agents. This video-based, self-paced course describes the TLS Gateway, explains how to configure and install it and demonstrates how it works.
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition (AAKE)
This course is intended for Automic Automation administrators with deep knowledge on Automic Automation. This course explains Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition (AAKE), demonstrates how to deploy Automic Automation to an existing Kubernetes environment, and includes snippets of code that you can copy and paste to reuse it for your own deployment.
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition (AAKE)
This course demonstrates how to deploy Automic Automation to an existing Kubernetes environment.
Automic Automation: Upgrading to Version 21
This course is relevant for system administrators who are in charge of installing and upgrading Automic Automation. It guides you through and demonstrates the process to upgrade Automic Automation from version 12.3 to version 21 on a Windows platform. The Unix upgrade is virtually the same.
Automic Automation: Upgrading to Version 21
This course helps Automic Automation administrators plan, prepare and execute the upgrade process of their systems.
Automic Automation v21 Administration Foundations
This course helps administrators understand the architecture of the on-prem version of Automic Automation v21. It describes how to install Automic Automation and provides videos for each step in the sequence.
Automic Automation v21 Administration Foundations
This course helps administrators understand the architecture of the on-prem version of Automic Automation v21.
Automic Automation v21 Administration Standard
This course is focused on helping administrators configure Automic Automation so that users can start working with it. It is a deep dive in some of the most important tasks that an administrator must perform to configure and get an Automic Automation system started.
Automic Automation v21 Administration Standard
This course is focused upon helping administrators configure Automic Automation so that users can start working with it.
Automic Automation 12.3 Administration Foundations
This course is focused upon helping administrators begin to understand the basic architecture of the Automation Engine. The course includes a walk‐through installing all of the major components on Windows and Unix. You will gain a good understanding of the role of the INI files and their configurations as well as the various executables and permissions needed to successfully start up an Automic Automation environment.
Automic Automation 12.3 Administration Foundations
This course is focused upon helping administrators begin to understand the basic architecture of the Automation Engine.
Automic Automation 12.3 - Administration Standard
This course is a deep dive in some of the most important tasks that an administrator must perform to configure and get an Automic Automation system started. The course describes and demonstrates how to configure the various INI files, logs and traces, system and Client settings, how to define object templates and transfer objects from one system to another.
Automic Automation Administration Standard
This course is a deep dive in some of the most important tasks that an administrator must perform to configure and get an Automic Automation system started.