Aparna Manda
SaaS Platform & Delivery Engineer, AutomationAparna is a certified DevOps Cloud Engineer in AWSx2, Kubernetes x2(K8s -CKA , K8s-CKAD), Terraform, Jenkins, IBM-AIX, and Puppet. She has over 12 years of experience in Fortune 100 and 500 companies and Big 5 Consultancies in versatile domains such as Banking/Finance, Government, Healthcare/Insurance, Telecom, Manpower, Oil and Mining Sectors.

All content by Aparna Manda
AutoSys Web UI: Managing Workload Environment Using Dashboard
Workload Automation operators will gain essential knowledge about the Dashboard capability of AutoSys Web UI to manage their workload environments.
AutoSys Web UI: Viewing Consolidated Job Details Using Quick View
Quick View lets you access consolidated job detail information for AutoSys Workload Automation servers.
AutoSys Web UI: Managing Workload Environment Using Monitoring
The intuitive user interface of the Monitoring allows operators to gain immediate visibility into various job statuses, identify potential risks, and take necessary actions for smooth workflow...
AutoSys Web UI: Creating and Managing Workload Objects Using Quick Edit
Provide workload automation operators with essential knowledge about Quick Edit. Create and manage workload objects within your AutoSys environment.
AutoSys: Using Modern Job Types
As a Workload Automation developer, you will learn about a few job types that you can use to automate Database, FTP Server, and Web Services.