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    April 27, 2023

    Q&A: Insurance Firms Secure Outcomes with Clarity

    What are the challenges you need to overcome to be successful?

    We’re a mature company in a mature industry, but like everyone else, technology is transforming how we operate. We need to streamline our internal operations and serve our clients how and where they need while ensuring that the shift to digital interactions doesn’t compromise privacy or security. That requires us to become a technology-driven business, which is a significant change for many areas of our operations.

    How do you go about addressing those problems?

    Ultimately, we exist to deliver value to our customers and for our business. Everything we do has to be focused on that value, but historically we’ve struggled with a lack of visibility at all levels. Business leaders haven’t been sure that the initiatives that they approved are delivering the best possible value, nor do they know if we are achieving the expected benefits.

    The people doing the work haven’t clearly seen how their efforts contribute to improving the customer experience and business performance. That’s what we set about changing for all work, and across all business areas.

    What do you do, and how does it help?

    We use Broadcom’s Clarity solution to help us connect everything from strategy to benefits. We can capture proposals for projects to improve the business, flow those proposals through a common intake process, and subject them to standard financial and risk tests. Those that successfully pass those tests can then be prioritized and added to our strategic roadmap. That roadmap aligns with our strategic priorities, and when work is funded it can immediately be converted into a project and assigned to teams to deliver.

    Those teams can see how their work contributes to the success of the business. Our project managers can track performance, identify and variances between planned and actual performance, and work with their stakeholders to address any issues. Clarity gives us the ability to report on and analyze data in a way that makes sense for each of those stakeholder groups, driving better corrections in less time.

    How is this driving your success?

    We’re delivering better solutions to our customers in a way that is more profitable for our business. We’re doing a better job of approving the right investments, and we have better visibility into the performance of those investments during the development and delivery phases. We’re utilizing our resources better, and we’re making adjustments more quickly. Clarity is delivering wins for everyone.

    Alf Abuhajleh

    Alf Abuhajleh markets Clarity PPM from Broadcom. From early-days cloud computing, mobile apps and cognizant enterprise apps, Alf spent the past 20 years developing and launching emerging technologies in Silicon Valley.

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