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    AutoSys: Using Cloud-Based Job Types

    AutoSys: Using Cloud-based Job Types is a Level 200 course that will help you learn about the critical features of AutoSys Workload Automation.

    Start This Course
    July 29, 2024
    Time to Complete
    1 hour
    AutoSys Course Completion

    As a Workload Automation developer, you will learn about a few job types that you can use to automate containerized application tasks and cloud-based applications and services.

    What You Will Learn

    Course Content:

    • Automate tasks on Containerized Systems using Kubernetes Jobs
    • Automate AWS Step Function Service Execution using AWS Jobs
    • Automate AWS Lambda Service Execution using AWS Jobs
    • Other Cloud Integrations

    Note: In this course, we used AutoSys 12. x instance to capture screenshots and videos while explaining the various features.

    What You Will Earn

    To complete this course, you must view all material. Upon completion, you will receive:

    • A certificate validating the course completion
    • The AutoSys Course Completion Badge

    Course Objectives

    At the end of this course you will know how to:

    • Automate tasks on containerized systems using Kubernetes Jobs.
    • Automate AWS Step Function service execution using AWS Jobs.
    • Automate AWS Lambda service execution using AWS Jobs.
    • Describe various cloud integration plugin extensions available in AutoSys.

    How to Get Started

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