AutoSys Web UI: Generating Forecast Reports for Scheduled Jobs
AutoSys Web UI: Generating Forecast Reports for Scheduled Jobs is a Level 200 course designed to provide workload automation operators with essential knowledge about the forecasting capabilities of the AutoSys Web UI.
Start This Course
August 16, 2024

30 minutes

Autosys Course Completion

With the Forecast feature, you can generate reports that help you understand future workloads and plan maintenance activities effectively.
What You Will Learn
Course Content:
- Creating a Forecast
- Viewing a Forecast Report
What You Will Earn
To complete this course, you must view all material. Upon completion, you will receive:
- A certificate validating the course completion
- The AutoSys course completion badge
Course Objectives
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Create a forecast report definition.
- Run a forecast report definition.
- Open and view forecast reports.